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TRANG CHỦ Chuỗi nhiễu

Chuỗi nhiễu bột ngọc trai

Chuỗi nhiễu bột ngọc trai

Bằng cách kiểm soát chính xác độ dày lớp phủ của titan dioxide, loạt giao thoa tạo ra vàng, đỏ, tím, xanh lam, xanh lục và các màu thay đổi giao thoa giống như cầu vồng khác để tạo ra độ bóng. Màu sắc của dòng sản phẩm này hoàn toàn do sự giao thoa của ánh sáng vật lý. Sự khác biệt về đường quang giữa ánh sáng phản xạ của titan dioxide có chỉ số khúc xạ cao và ánh sáng phản xạ của mica có chỉ số khúc xạ thấp gây cản trở các màu sắc khác nhau.

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Người mẫuMàu sắcKích thước hạtMicaTiO2SnO2
TC2001Sa tanh vàng5-25μm
TC2011Sa tanh đỏ5-25μm
TC223Sa tanh tím5-25μm
TC231Sa tanh xanh5-25μm
TC249Vàng chớp nhoáng10-100μm
TC289Màu xanh nhấp nháy10-100μm
TC205Ngọc trai vàng10-60μm
TC215Ngọc trai đỏ10-60μm
TC217Ngọc trai cam10-60μm
TC219Bạc tím10-60μm
TC225Ngọc trai xanh10-60μm
TC235Ngọc trai xanh10-60μm

để lại lời nhắn
Nếu bạn quan tâm đến sản phẩm của chúng tôi và muốn biết thêm chi tiết, vui lòng để lại tin nhắn ở đây, chúng tôi sẽ trả lời bạn ngay khi có thể.
Những sảm phẩm tương tự
Chuỗi nhiễu bột ngọc trai

Bằng cách kiểm soát chính xác độ dày lớp phủ của titan dioxide, loạt giao thoa tạo ra vàng, đỏ, tím, xanh lam, xanh lục và các màu thay đổi giao thoa giống như cầu vồng khác để tạo ra độ bóng. Màu sắc của dòng sản phẩm này hoàn toàn do sự giao thoa của ánh sáng vật lý. Sự khác biệt về đường quang giữa ánh sáng phản xạ của titan dioxide có chỉ số khúc xạ cao và ánh sáng phản xạ của mica có chỉ số khúc xạ thấp gây cản trở các màu sắc khác nhau.

TC2001 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC2011 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC223 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC231 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC249 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC289 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC205 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC215 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC217 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC219 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC225 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.

TC235 Interference series pearlescent pigment pearl powder

By precisely controlling the coating thickness of titanium dioxide,interference series produces gold, red, purple, blue, green and other rainbow-like interference-changing colors that impart luster. The color of this series of products is completely caused by the interference of physical light. The optical path difference between the reflected light of high refractive index titanium dioxide and the reflected light of low refractive index mica interferes with different colors.


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để lại lời nhắn
Nếu bạn quan tâm đến sản phẩm của chúng tôi và muốn biết thêm chi tiết, vui lòng để lại tin nhắn ở đây, chúng tôi sẽ trả lời bạn ngay khi có thể.


